Trail riding fun-day


New member
How are the obstacles looking for trials? There’s a bit of snow on everything here and it doesn’t look like it’s really going to melt.


Staff member
I now have it so the Pink, White, and Orange trails can be ridden in sequence without going out to the main Blue trail. I will probably change these to just one colour someday. Also the purple cross-over trails can be completed without going onto the blue for 20 feet as it has been for years. These updates make it so there are fewer intersections in the trails system and that should make it safer for everyone.

In other news I busted open the MSF donation jar and made the 2022 donation of $90, thanks to all who contributed.

I also want to thank all that came out to ride in 2022. I only ride them when you come out to play.
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Staff member
New ride day announced: Saturday May 25

See the first post for details and contact me with any questions


Staff member
Almost two months without a trail ride day. Sorry. I want to get riders back on my trails again soon but I’m going to need some help. If anyone has some time to help trim the face Slappers please get in contact with me. 😋