The Great 2024 Calabogie Cleanup


Active member
Last update: 2024-07-06

This thread will be used to help clearing crews focus on trails that need work and keep track of what is cleared for riding.

Please reply with the work you completed so I can update the list. When you see the updated status, if you can delete old replies so we can keep things clean. Also, please report any incorrect status, it is hard to keep track.

Prioritize single track trails!
Remember to submit volunteer hours!


Cleared - as good as it gets icons8-status-16.png
Blockage - expect something blocking the trail and difficult to get around and needs chainsaw work icons8-block-16.png
Caution - some brush or other mostly avoidable hazard that can be cleared with handsawsicons8-status-16.png
Face Slappers icons8-error-16.png
Do Not Enter - expect blocking trees or other significant damage, lots of clearing required with chainsaws - icons8-status-16.png
Unknown - has not been reported on recently icons8-status-16.png
Closed/Unused - trail unused, closed or not maintainedicons8-x-16.png

South Side

icons8-status-16.pngArcol Run
icons8-status-16.pngBartaw (Little Depot)
icons8-status-16.pngBB (Bear Bait)
icons8-status-16.pngBlack Bear
icons8-status-16.pngBLT (Battery Lake Trail)
icons8-status-16.pngBlazing Saddles
icons8-status-16.pngBS2 & bypasses
icons8-status-16.pngButternut Loop
icons8-status-16.pngChatham Run
icons8-status-16.pngClaim Jumper
icons8-status-16.pngClaim Jumper 2
icons8-status-16.pngDD (Devil's Dare?)
icons8-status-16.pngEgg Clutch
icons8-status-16.pngExpresso Run
icons8-status-16.pngFanny Hill
icons8-status-16.pngFaron's Folly South 1 (original)
icons8-status-16.pngFaron's Folly South 2 (east extension)
icons8-status-16.pngFaron's Folly South 3 (hill extension)
icons8-status-16.pngFaron's Folly South 4 (with bridge)
icons8-status-16.pngFaron's Folly North
icons8-status-16.pngGoat Trail
icons8-status-16.pngGrass Track
icons8-status-16.pngHidden Lake
icons8-status-16.pngHigh Falls Climb
icons8-status-16.pngHelter Skelter
icons8-status-16.pngLand Time Forgot
icons8-status-16.pngLarocques Lake
icons8-status-16.pngLarry Roesler
icons8-status-16.pngLog Ridge Run
icons8-status-16.pngLog Ridge Run South
icons8-status-16.pngLone Wolf Climb
icons8-status-16.pngLone Wolf (beaver dam impassible)
icons8-status-16.pngLong Grass
icons8-status-16.pngMair Lake
icons8-status-16.pngMinistry Trail aka Tantrum
icons8-status-16.pngMud Run
icons8-status-16.pngNew Trail
icons8-status-16.pngOdette (and Bypass)
icons8-status-16.pngOver The Hill
icons8-status-16.pngPerch Lake
icons8-status-16.pngPerch Lake Inner
icons8-status-16.pngPorno Palace
icons8-status-16.pngQuinn's front door
icons8-status-16.pngQuinn's back door
icons8-status-16.pngRack Attack
icons8-status-16.pngRaven's Roost
icons8-status-16.pngRed Horse
icons8-status-16.pngRiddle's Revenge
icons8-status-16.pngRiver Run
icons8-status-16.pngRound Lavant Mountain
icons8-status-16.pngRuth's Trail
icons8-status-16.pngScrew U Extension
icons8-status-16.pngScrew U South
icons8-status-16.pngScrew U North
icons8-status-16.pngSkidder 1 (Long Grass trailhead)
icons8-status-16.pngSkidder 2 (hill climb)
icons8-status-16.pngSkidder 3 (Black Bear trailhead close to hunt camp)
icons8-status-16.pngSleepy Hollow
icons8-status-16.pngSnake Head
icons8-status-16.pngSon of a Gun
icons8-question-16.pngSS Minnow
icons8-status-16.pngStraddle Bug Climb
icons8-status-16.pngStoney Lonesome
icons8-status-16.pngTantrum Remains
icons8-status-16.pngThree Floods
icons8-status-16.pngTricky Dickie
icons8-status-16.pngUp The Creek Chicken Out
icons8-status-16.pngUp The Creek Extension
icons8-status-16.pngWhiskey Throttle

North Side

icons8-status-16.png2 Blinds
icons8-status-16.pngAss Trail
icons8-status-16.pngBernie's Loop
icons8-status-16.pngGreen Landing Bypass
icons8-status-16.pngHell's Half Acre
icons8-status-16.pngHell's Half Acre Extension
icons8-status-16.pngLost Saint
icons8-status-16.pngMark's Misery
icons8-status-16.pngMissing Link
icons8-status-16.pngNewfie Autobahn
icons8-status-16.pngOriole Lake
icons8-status-16.pngOld 508 (east of pit section)
icons8-status-16.pngPit Bull
icons8-status-16.pngRodden's Route
icons8-status-16.pngSteve Garnsey
icons8-status-16.pngSteve Garnsey Extension
icons8-status-16.pngTom's Trail
icons8-status-16.pngWabun Mountain
icons8-status-16.pngWoody's Wonderland

icons8-status-16.pngM&M (passable)
icons8-status-16.pngLittle Green Road
icons8-status-16.pngForbidden Planet
icons8-status-16.pngThe Eliminator
icons8-status-16.pngRichtor Scale (fence at 511)
Last edited:


New member
Riddle's Revenge, High Falls Climb, Tricky Dickie, BS2 & bypasses all look good as of yesterday, there a few more we rode but i'll have check my maps for the names


This thread will be used to help cleaning crews focus on trails that need work and keep track of what is cleared for riding.

-Establishing new paths around fallen trees is not an authorized practice by MNRF, doing this on a wide scale could harm our relationship with MNRF and our access to the trails, we also lose flow and exacerbate erosion
-Cut 18" to 24" on both side of the trails when possible
-When reporting a trail as cleared, please ride / clear the entire length of the trail

Please reply with the work you completed so I can update the list
Prioritize single track trails!


Cleared - as good as it gets View attachment 885
Blockage - expect something blocking the trail and difficult to get around and needs chainsaw work View attachment 889
Caution - some brush or other mostly avoidable hazard that can be cleared with handsawsView attachment 887
Face Slappers View attachment 891
Do Not Enter - expect blocking trees or other significant damage, lots of clearing required with chainsaws - View attachment 888
Unknown - has not been reported on recently View attachment 890
Closed/Unused - trail unused, closed or not maintainedView attachment 886

South Side

View attachment 885Arcol Run
View attachment 885Bartaw (Little Depot)
View attachment 888BFH
View attachment 885Black Bear
View attachment 885Blazing Saddles
View attachment 885Bompass
View attachment 885BS2 & bypasses
View attachment 890Butternut Loop
View attachment 890Chatham Run
View attachment 890Claim Jumper
View attachment 890Claim Jumper 2
View attachment 890DD
View attachment 887Deliverance
View attachment 887DMZ
View attachment 891DOT
View attachment 890Egg Clutch
View attachment 888Expresso Run
View attachment 889Fanny Hill
View attachment 887Faron's Folly South
View attachment 887Faron's Folly South 2
View attachment 887Faron's Folly South 3
View attachment 887Faron's Folly South 4
View attachment 890Faron's Folly North
View attachment 890Goat Trail
View attachment 885Grass Track
View attachment 885HCM
View attachment 890Hidden Lake
View attachment 885High Falls Climb
View attachment 890Helter Skelter
View attachment 890Land Time Forgot
View attachment 890Larocques Lake
View attachment 890Larry Roesler
View attachment 887Log Ridge Run
View attachment 885Log Ridge Run South
View attachment 890Lone Wolf Climb
View attachment 888Lone Wolf (beaver dam impassible)
View attachment 885Long Grass
View attachment 890Mair Lake
View attachment 890McGone
View attachment 885Ministry Trail aka Tantrum
View attachment 885Mud Run
View attachment 890New Trail
View attachment 889Odette (and Bypass)
View attachment 890Over The Hill
View attachment 890Perch Lake
View attachment 890Perch Lake Inner
View attachment 887Pines
View attachment 885Porno Palace
View attachment 890Quinn's
View attachment 890Quinn's front door
View attachment 890Quinn's back door
View attachment 887Rack Attack
View attachment 887Raven's Roost
View attachment 890Red Horse
View attachment 885Riddle's Revenge
View attachment 890River Run
View attachment 890Round Lavant Mountain
View attachment 890Ruth's Trail
View attachment 890Screw U Extension
View attachment 890Screw U South
View attachment 890Screw U North
View attachment 890Skidder 1
View attachment 887Skidder 2
View attachment 887Skidder 3
View attachment 887Sleepy Hollow
View attachment 890S&M
View attachment 890Snake Head
View attachment 890Son of a Gun
View attachment 885SOT
View attachment 887SRT
View attachment 890SS Minnow
View attachment 890Staircase
View attachment 885Straddle Bug Climb
View attachment 890Stoney Lonesome
View attachment 890Three Floods
View attachment 887Tricky Dickie
View attachment 890Up the Creek
View attachment 885Up The Creek Chicken Out
View attachment 885Up The Creek Extension
View attachment 891Whiskey Throttle

North Side

View attachment 890Ass Trail
View attachment 890Bernie's Loop
View attachment 890Green Landing Bypass
View attachment 890Hell's Half Acre
View attachment 890Hell's Half Acre Extension
View attachment 890Lost Saint
View attachment 890Mark's Misery
View attachment 890Missing Link
View attachment 890Newfie Autobahn
View attachment 890Oriole Lake
View attachment 890Pit Bull
View attachment 890Rodden's Route
View attachment 890Steve Garnsey
View attachment 890Steve Garnsey Extension
View attachment 890Tom's Trail
View attachment 890Transec
View attachment 890Wabun Mountain
View attachment 890Woody's Wonderland

View attachment 890M&M (passable)
View attachment 890Lost&Found (rideable tree to clear)
View attachment 890Little Green Road
View attachment 886Hi-Lo
View attachment 890In&Out
View attachment 890Richtor Scale
Hi Doug,
Claim jumper 2 has a few trees down just where two track turns to single. Claim jumper was ok some brush and face slappers, perch lake and perch lake inner had a few passable downed trees. Stoney Lonesome all good. 3 floods blocked at Stoney Lonesome end entrance by hunt camp. Need chainsaw. Balance of 3 floods OK. New trail fine. Some face slappers. Ruth's from Bompas then up staircase face slappers. Didn't ride the portion of Ruth's from K&P


Tall Pines trail has been cleared, there were several trees down due to the recent heavy snowfall and strong winds.
I'm concerned that this storm may have impacted other trails as well… but hope I’m wrong.
BTW as of a few hours ago there's still ~4” of snow on the trails beyond High Falls; I rode on the road and hike into a few trails.


Drove my car up to Calabogie. Travelled down 77. Lot's of downed trees. Some cut, some not. Was scraping both sides of car and my undercarriage. Had to drive over 2 trees. Got stopped about 50 m past the 6 km mile marker. Another tree I could have driven over, but about a foot in the air. Who knew I should have brought a hand saw in the car.

Was snowy and slushy and muddy. Bottom of car was scraping snow when driving in tire ruts. Couldn't believe amount of snow in shaded areas and no snow in sunny areas. In the city, I never received more than 2 - 3 inches last week.

On K&P, just before Tatty Hill road junction, was parked OPP pickup truck with big trailer. Behind him was OPP ghost SUV. I guess OPP SAVE unit was already on the trails.

P.S. found online: "The OPP has a Snowmobile, ATV and Vessel Enforcement Unit, known as SAVE, which works to keep trails safe and that includes watching for impaired drivers."


Cleared - Ridge Run, BS2 except for the short technical section off to the left and the by-pass, Arcol Run…stoped at the intersection to up a creek.
Slow going due to lots of larger stuff down but on the bright side the snows gone :) CFEE849F-6C0F-4743-B2DF-7CC78ABBB6A5.jpeg10560587-3C66-4027-9018-A7F5ADDE3703.jpeg


Cleared the south ends of Faron’s Folly S4 and Long Grass to 77. Rode the ATV out & stuck to the double tracs sections.


Rooster & I finished clearing Skidder 1 through to Long Grass completing the loop back out to 77. Cleared the double trac section of Screw-U North from 77 to the beaver dam. Ran out of time & energy to get that oak tree on the extension.


Finished clearing the last section of Faron’s Folly South, all sections are now open.
Cleared all the single trac connectors between Skidder 1, 2 and 3. Double trac section of Skidder 3 from what I could see is a gong show. Was able to ride out on the double trac portion of Skidder 2, it’s not too bad just a few frees to cut.


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Well. Terry's chainsaw did not run long. Appears seized. So we rode and scoped more than cleared.
- trickie dick had 5 different clumps of trees down after creek climb on way to 2 track. All cleared.
- we also did the 2 track from trickie dick exit to log ridge. All cleared.
- cleaned up a few things on up the creek bypass. Looked like new downfall.
- the two track from trickie dick to BS(2?) needs chainsaw work
-BS2 also needs chainsaw work. We climbed up and turned around.
- both ends of Blazing saddles appear quite blocked. Chainsaw work.
- Farons North as well needs a chainsaw

- kudos to Tom and Rooster for all they have cleared!
- Ross had some folk heading up Bompass...well hear more later on that.


Active member
Great work! Thanks!

FYI: I call the section from Bompass to Snake Head "Son of a Gun" (Kevin came up with the name). Then the section from SOG to Little Depot (Bartaw) is McGone (and I think of the hill climb as McGone Climb).


White stuff on the ground this morning at elevation :0
Cleared Up a Creek entire loop around to the by-pass…with one exception of a couple large trees too much for me to move solo, just before Snake H split, see pic.
Cleared towards Snake Head and stopped at the beaver dam crossing.


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