Why are there complaints at Limerick?


New member

I 100% agree that the activities depicted in this video are a huge problem. Its important that we educate people as to why these actions should be prohibited.


Its equally important that the BMA be very clear that its not prohibiting a "type of person" but rather a "type of activity."

The job of the BMA, as I see it, is to continue educating motorcyclists about our responsibility as riders. If anything, this video shows that we could be doing this more effectively. Whistle blowing might not help us, in the long run.

My two cents.



New member
Good call Blake, those poor lads are their own punishment, evidence of this is the number of crashes encountering some leaves and a stick. Our group should and does welcome riders of all capabilities to hang with riders working actively at gaining better riding skills and control. The wheelie thing is concerning but better results might come from better awareness and we all can help with that. We are comfortable with tree-huggers but the one lad in that clip seemed King of Tree-huggers...

Interesting vid...