
Fellow member of the BMA: As our riding season is coming to a close for 2012, I solicit your help in recording your volunteer hours. It is very important that you do so as we use these statistics to show what we give back to the communities in the areas where we ride. This, in turn, helps to ensure that we will continue to get access to those ever fewer riding areas left to us. There are two ways you can record your hours. You can register with this forum and go the the area reserved for members. There you will find a volunteer tab which will take you to where you can establish a new topic, with your name, and there you can record your hours. Have a look at those that are already there. All you need to record is the number of hours, the event or activity that you supported, and the rough dates. If you do not want to do that yourself, you can send the same information to me (including your full name please) at volunteers@bytown-motorcycle-assoc.ca and I will transfer the informration to my master spreadsheet. Thank you once again for your support. Bill Fulton, Volunteer Coordinator, BMA