May 9th Lanark Trials


This event at Dave Makin's property near Watson's Corners is the first on the BMA calendar, only a month away. It's our regular low-key gathering of observed trials enthusiasts young and old, who get together to have fun and test their skills out on some of the clubs most unusual machinery, negotiating challenging terrain. Sections cater to both experts and novices, modern and vintage bikes. Weather is a non-issue in trials so call for an invite and catch a look. Better yet…beg, borrow or steal a trials bike and give it a try.

Call, email or PM me for more info. A flyer has been copied here: ... Trials.pdf

Regards, Doug


New member
I'll definitely be there Doug. I know several of the regulars from the Quebec Provincials are also planning on heading up to Lanark on the 9th so it should be a good turnout.


New member
Thanks again to Dave and Doug for an excellent event on Sunday. Despite the weather everyone had a great time. I personally had a blast!
The sections were at times pretty challenging with the slippery conditions. In between riding myself I saw some great riding. J.P. Laroque from the Quebec was amazing the A sections on his vintage Bultaco! Steve Tucker on his 60s BSA and Doug Hunter on his 50s Ariel showed everyone that a good rider can handle anything on a 50 year old 500 four stroke. I was pretty darn impressed with some of the newcomers as well.
The sections were perfect for the conditions I thought. Great, manageable C lines, very challenging B lines and some definitely challenging A lines for even the modern bikes.
We still need some more locals though. We had I think 3 competitors from Toronto and 6 from Quebec... pretty much as many out-of-towners as we had locals. We need more of the local folks to come out I think, although I realize weather was certainly an issue.
Beautiful property Dave. Thanks again for a great day.



New member
I'd like to thank Dave and Judy for hosting the Trials event. I understand its the 25th season they've been doing it! It was my first trial and I quickly realized that there's a bit of finesse involved in getting around the section without putting your foot down! A bit different than blasting through with a new KTM! Thanks also to Mike, Shaun, Mathew, Chris and Paul O' for the lend of the Yamaha and some advice and encouragement.

Jeff A.


New member
I want to thank Dave, Doug and all the riders for a thoroughly enjoyable event to be a spectator at. Boy, so many good riders. And so many interesting ancient technology pieces.

Cellar Rat

New member
Lanark Spring Trial Summary

Again I remind all that this event is for fun, and that there was a wide variety of machinery and choice of lines. Wisely, a few riders did not attempt Sections 9 and 10, which became progressively more difficult (and they were never easy, even the C line) as the event progressed. When we set the event up, we never considered the possibility of snow the night before the trial.

Personally I was very pleased just to ride one lap, which is one lap more than I've been able to complete in 18 months. Watch out in September!

We have a good set of photos at

Anyway, here's the scores for the cards handed in:

Shaun O'Reilly 49 1972 Honda TL125
Doug Hunter 50 1956 Ariel HT
Reid Masson 54 1986 Honda TLR 200
Mike O'Reilly 56 1976 Montesa
Tony Funnekotter 57 1997 Montesa
JP Laroque 60 1981 Bultaco
Eric Pritchard 61 1973 Yamaha 175
Steve Tucker 66 1964 BSA
J Bouchard (sp?) 68 19?6 Honda
Jacques Gagne 69 1974 Honda

There were fifteen riders in total, a very good turnout considering the rotten weather that preceeded the event.

I hope many of you will be able to join in the fun at the 2010 Ormstown Vintage Off Road Festival August 13 - 15. See

David Makin