Limerick trail clearing


New member
I would like to take a small crew into Limerick this Friday May 1 to clear a trail that is currently plugged up due to thinning operations. There is a lot more to do step at a time. I can be at Limerick by 3 p.m. so if you can lend a hand PM me or e-mail eastmanspearman (at) yahoo (dot) ca


New member
O.K. let's try this again; only got one response for the previous date so it didn't happen......maybe a Friday wasn't such a good idea. How about Saturday morning May 9th? Please respond if you can help out. If enough recruits show up we can split up crews and get a lot done.

I'm in for sure. Check your email if you see this. I'll bring my small saw... let me know what time and where.
