Invitation to ride Lanark to 7 fun roads Sun. May 11


New member
Anyone interested in riding tomorrow, Sun. , May 11 back roads from Lanark to Hyw. 7? I will be gone until this evening visiting my. Mom but will send details to those who indicate interest. Proposal to meet at 12:00 p.m. at the Lanark health centre. Will give u address tonight. Will try to provide GPS file as well. Ride will probably be a couple of hours or so for those of u who have Mother's Day dinners to attend.


New member
Send me the info please. I am kitting up for a 3 day excursion west of Ompah to chart some uncharted ground for the boogie. Plan to rough camp Sun, Mon, and Tues nights. If I have the knobbies on and the gear and grub packed in time I will try to make the Lanark RV. Don't wait for me. Dwight


New member
I'm in...the new rims/sprockets worked a champ, 20 mins from slicks to knobbies. New bags look impressive....we'll see.

When are you sending the data Heather? I need to leave by 1000 or so to make it by noon.



Staff member
I'll see if I can find / make the track for this for you Dwight. You may already have it since this is the same loop used on the north side of 7 part of last year's fall Charity ride. Today's ride is a group ride so having a GPS track is nice but not required.


Google is telling me this is on Robertson Rd. near Perth, is that correct? If so, I'll be there for noon. If not, can you post or send me the location?

Thank you,


New member
I found a "North Lanark County Health Centre" at 207 Robertson Drive, in Lanark. Lanark is a small town 10km north of Perth. I am not sure if this is where Heather meant or not, but if I don't hear otherwise, this is where I am going for the Rendez vous.



Staff member
I'll have to look into the file attachment situation. It would be nice to share GPS files here. for now I have emailed the files to the 3 people in this discussion.


Staff member
That was a fun ride. To test attachments on this forum and to share here with those that didn't join us, here is the track from that ride. All easy stuff that could be done on a street bike provided you are comfortable in loose gravel and a bit of sand.


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