Hello from a newbie..


New member
A dual sport newbie anyway. I think I'm like a lot of people here.......grew up on dirt bikes, went to street bikes (still with street bikes) and looking for a little dual sport / off road action to mix it up and extend the seasons. I'm from the east coat and living in Montreal (still can't speak french :wink: )but the Ottawa area isn't outside the realm of possibilities. I plan to get some dirt wheels for the WR250X so I have the best of all worlds (ZRX for the highway, WR on 17's for around town / motarding and a set of 18/21's for off road.........SV is actually the GF's but I maintain it so I consider it mine......... :mrgreen: ).


Staff member
Hi Crispy,
welcome to the BMA's Dual Sport Forum. We usually ride an hour west or south of Ottawa so I don't expect to see you out this far from home every weekend. Let us know when you want to check out our riding areas and we will arrange to take you for a tour. The Dual Sport part of BMA is just getting off the ground so we don't yet know what events we will put together but when we do it will be posted here. The trail ride side of BMA has several events you may want to check out as well.