2012 Calabogie Boogie Registration


The Boogie pre-registration page and flyer are posted up at the Ontario trail ride Series section of the OFTR website here: http://www.oftr.ca/events.php?id=12371

As noted there, pre-registration will take place until August 29th. BMA members (with 4 or more recorded volunteer hours) who are not involved in organizing the ride but wishing to participate will again receive a $25 discount, but must pre-register. Banquet tickets for a roast beef buffet are also on sale at registration for $25. Check out the OFTR website for more info. and to register.
Additional questions, email secretary@bytown-motorcycle-assoc.ca.

Pre-registration is limited to 200 riders and includes lunch Sat. and Sun. and a t-shirt. Come join us for a fantastic weekend of riding and socializing.