2 wheel performance plus


New member

have been trying to get in touch with this shop for a few days now and they never answer the phone...does anyone know if they're closed for holidays or are having technical difficulties with their phone and email?

I'm try to buy some parts and no one seems to be alive there..




New member
Also Ethan took the week as holidays.
There is a sign on the front door as well..
They will be open again on Tuesday Sept 5th.
Tom in Brockville..


There is a Beta shop in Rockland if that is what you are looking for but I don't like how they deal with people - not even a little bit - could just be me......


New member
i'm just going to wait for them to return..i did get one of my orders yesterday so they must have told supplier to ship directly to me...i basically wanted to know what teh scoop du jour was on them not answering phone or email...hard to do when one isn't there....i'll call them next week..