Steve Garnsey Fall Ride


Riders self organize into groups, by skill level. I think the groups last year were 'beginner', 'advanced beginner', 'slow intermediate', 'intermediate', 'fast-intermediate', 'expert', 'extreme'. Newer riders should go in the beginner groups. Groups are led by folks who know the trails, and sweeps are there help folks as well.

I recommend coming out - there will definitely be a group for you!
Can we just participate in just the KTM demo ride or do we need to participate in the entire Steve Garnsey event?
Sorry to ask another "how hard/novice-suitable" question. I'm trying to figure out if the Steve Garnsey ride would be right for me. I had a great time on the aggressive DS ride at the Boogie and I'd love to go on another ride this fall but I don't want to get in over my head.

I'm in my first year of riding a WR250R on Shinko knobbies. The description of novice at describes me pretty well. I am not fast. I can ride Limerick-like single track assuming no obstacles that require better-than-novice skills. I rode day 1 of the Algonquin 2 day, but skipped all the optional loops and took some shortcuts. I survived, but found it tiring, and was tired and slow as molasses by the end. I think my riding has improved since then.

The event info for the Steve Garnsey ride says: "On your first ride at Calabogie, select a skill level one level lower than you think you are capable of." Is "stay home" the right choice for one skill level lower than mine? Is there likely to be a group and route option suitable for me?

Crap, how about a z50 instead?

Who do I contact to get me off the signup list and free up the slot for someone else? I didn't notice contact info anywhere.