Motion-X GPS


Hi All,

A number of people I ran into at this years Boogie asked about the GPS app I am using on my iPhone. So here you go...

I found Motion-X GPS in the App Store last year. (Sorry... They have only made an iOS version. But read on before you say "I am an Android")

Motion-X may not be for everyone. But it is the last "GPS" I will ever need. I've had a few others (Garmin, TrailTech Voyager, etc) The bonus is you have a safety device (your phone) with you at all times. My wife and I both run it and if we get separated on the trail, can phone each other or just "find" each other various ways using the Phone.


- Works on any iPhone (4S or later as that is when they added the GPS chip)
- Does NOT require a data connection (Meaning you can pre-download the map area you intend to ride in advance and just run Motion-X in the middle of nowhere with just the GPS chip running...See more on this below. This was the key selling point for me)
- Allows you to Track, easily set and name Waypoints, follow previous tracks, load tracks (KMZ or GPX) that you may already have. I have a huge library of Tracks that I can recall and follow any time.
- Works with most heart-rate monitors that have an iOS app (If you want to track that sort of thing... A friend of mine used his Fitness Tracker at the Algonquin ride this year and recorded burning ~3800 calories on the full-day ride... Who says Dirt Biking is for couch potatoes!)
- Tracks elevation changes, speed/pace, total time, ride time (time actually moving), and many other things
- Has voice prompts that tell you avg speed, elevation, ride time, etc every time you stop motion (saves having to look at it to check time, etc)
- Allows you to easily share rides... Even WHILE you are riding! More of a novelty... But they have a website where someone else with the share link from the App can actually track you riding that day in real time. Great if you happen to be riding alone or meeting up with someone half-way through a ride, etc.
- Easy to share your ride (either the GPX or just a Map View of where you rode) after your ride. You can even automate sharing by email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Allows North Up, Direction Up, etc... Easier for following tracks
- Supports every Map Type you can imagine when you HAVE a data signal (Google, Bing, etc as well as their own proprietary Road and Terrain Maps)


- iOS only... Don't ask me why as it is the best GPS app I have ever seen (Also works on iPad. A friend of mine used it on his iPad to sail across the Atlantic... Boaters love it)
- You MUST read every line of the online manual and take the time to "know" it before you first use it in real time. It has so many features. Mostly intuitive... But then you run into things (like "stopping" the follow of a track) that you THINK should be intuitive and they are not. Once you get the hang of it though, you are good.
- Apple phones have Capacitive Touch screens... So you need to either remove a glove or get gloves with a capacitive tip on the finger to use the App in-ride (those gloves are available)
- Most phones will NOT last a full ride if you have the screen on (using it to follow a track lets say), GPS running, etc... I would say practical run time without a charge is probably 2-3 hours. So I have a simple USB charge cable set up on my handlebars. (I got this one from RMATV with waterproof kit -
- Finding a case that mounts to your handlebar that is water resistant and tough... This was frankly the hardest part. I Frankensteined an Otterbox (iPhone 5S) case to a Mountain-bike type handlebar mount for a phone. The Otterbox is bulletproof. The mount is not.. But it hides behind everything on the bars. So if that get's compromised, I likely have other issues from that fall! Have never had an issue with it from a full-season off road. I charge my phone while riding when running the App on every ride... Unless it is a monsoon as I haven't figured out a way to make the Power Cable port of ANY case waterproof while you are charging/riding. I am sure something will surface eventually. Or I'll make something of my own when I have time. But it's been so dry this year... It hasn't been an issue.

I can't say enough good about the App. The bonuses really being that I have a phone with me on every ride (in case *&#$ goes really wrong.. there is a signal most places in Calabogie, etc) and you can share your ride in real time. (Caveat.. Data required for that)

Even if I didn't have an iPhone, I would go buy a refurb 4S or 5 @ Factory Direct ( or Amazon or Kijiji. Optional to get a Phone plan with just a few mins per year (no data needed) in case of Emerg (or no plan at all... up to you) and use it just for the GPS app on your bike, mountain bike, hike, ski, etc... My wife and I use it @ Tremblant to find each other on the hill as it has most Ski Resort maps available. I believe any phone can make a 911 call... Even if not registered with a Plan. (Check on this first for your own edification)

The iPhones noted have a separate GPS chip in them that work without a cellular network. Just like a purpose built GPS unit. As long as you have line of sight to the sky, it picks up the satellites you need for tracking. Just download the map area you need in advance at home or your fav coffee shop via WiFi. I have ALL of Calabogie (From like Renfrew to Lanark) downloaded in high-res on my phone and it only takes about 300mb. iPhones start at 8G of memory. A note on Map downloads... You can only download the Motion-X GPS proprietary Road or Terrain maps onto your phone. (ie. You can't download Google Hybrid maps for off-line use) This is ok though... They are accurate and complete enough for you to see all the Roads/Trails (like K&P, Bompas, Tatty Hill, 77, 508, 511 and most other nominal roads, etc) at Calabogie for instance. Having these can give you your bearings up at Calabogie in case you need to make a hasty exit. I use the Motion-X Roadmap as I find it has more of the road names/trails. I don't necessarily need Terrain info unless I am with a crew trying to cut new trails or ?

Hope this helps. Most purpose built GPS for off-road are in the $300 range all in from memory.

If you don't already have one, you can a refurb'd iPhone 4S and up for $150-200, a USB charger for ~$25-30 and the app for a few bucks more and have a safety device with you a tall times.

If someone knows of an Android App that does all the same/similar stuff, please post a Reply.



I have heard some people on the trail say their phone "over heats on hot days if on the handlebars in a case". I have never had this happen once and have rode plenty of 28-30DegC days this year. If you leave it in the case on the handlebar for 2 hrs in the sun... Of course it is going to shut itself to stop from burning up. But on a ride you have some airflow around the case and if trail riding, will see enough shade to keep it within operating temp specs.