Limerick 101 results


New member
Thanks to all that came along for the leprechaun tour today - it's getting alittle hard to manage, so next year we may have to limit the numbers :D

After 50k of single track my knees are hurtin' but I belive a good day was had by all - Lucky the Director came along to assist!

The final score was: Forest 1 - Non-folding mirrors O



New member
And I had thought the trees were foldable.
Some were definitely planted too close together, non-standard for Yamaha handlebars.
Great outing!
Thanks, Ron and Terry


New member
Hi Steve,

On the 650 its not too bad, but heavy in the more challenging (narrow) places as you would expect. I didn't get into any trouble area's but I can tell you lifting up that XR when I have laid it down in the past, uses a bit of energy.

I would also suggest a camelpak water system if you are taking in these trails. The extra work on the trail system vs. road riding can make anyone very thursty after a short drive in the woods on a hot day.

I like to get out to Limerick two or three times a year now to keep my skills sharp on the trails. There is no shortage of trails and the variety is amazing.

Hope to run into you on a ride soon!
