Dual Sport in 2009


Staff member
Hi everyone,
I'd like to get a show of hands to see who is interested in Dual sport riding this year. I plan to put together a list so we can easily contact each other for casual rides and also for sharing gas and accommodations while attending organized rides such as Rally Connex or ODSC events. I also would like to know if you are interested in being on our D-S committee this year. We only meet a few times over a beer to discuss club D-S activity. Reply here or PM me and I'll start a contact list. I'll then distribute the list to those that are on it. I may have to PM some of you to get your real names and contact information.

If you're not sure what Dual-Sport is all about it is simply having a street legal dirt bike and riding it on fun fast trails and back roads. If that sounds like you please sign up.


Hi Terry.

Sounds like a good idea.

We've updated the events schedule here at the website and will be making more additions as details come forward.
Please advise if there are any formal events for the local calendar...or other DS events of interest to add for club members.
For informal/last minute stuff feel free to add me to any distribution list you are using in addition to this forum.

I have a street bike for the street but joining along for some flowing trails and interesting back road stuff sounds good.
Can't wait for spring!

Regards, Doug


New member
sign me up i`ve got new knobbies for the klr and can`t wait to get out.btw i am in kingston but ride between calabogie and bancroft most of the time.


New member
Well, I'm in again, and assuming I can get my bike working :? , I'm interested in dual-sport events.

Also, we might consider posting to bike-specific forums. For example, klr650.net has a Ontario forum that is fairly active with a number of riders from around the Ottawa area. Check out http://www.klr650.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=59.


New member
I'm definitely interested in any local riding with the dual sport crowd.
I'm a newbie with a new little KLX250 to have some fun with after not riding since my teens (and only on friends bikes unfortunately).
You can count me in for any novice level rides this year with more challenging rides as I get the hang of it again.

My membership cheque is in the mail, and although I have a very crowded summer schedule with pre-existing family commitments etc. I'm hoping to
contribute to the club whenever feasible in what little way a newbie might be able to. I'm planning to attend the upcoming AGM to see what the club is all about. From the forums it is evident that there are many passionate members who work hard for the good of the sport.

I've got my fingers X'd that Kevin's Calabogie 101 will repeat this year, and I get lucky with that crowded calendar. Same applies to Woody's riding clinic.

I'd also be interested in participating in Terry's Dual BMA / Rally Connex Dual Sport ride in Calabogie (attached below) if it happens again this year.

I couldn't be the only enthusiastic DS newbie out here in the ottawa valley...... (I hope :D ) ?


VVVVVVVVV********************* last year's post is below **************************VVVVVVVVVVVV

BMA / Rally Connex Dual Sport ride in Calabogie
by Terry on Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:46 am

I would like to announce an opportunity for BMA members to ride the Calabogie Boogie Dual Sport routes on Oct 25 and 26. I've put together a joint venture with Kevin Burnett of Rally Connex and Rob Harris and staff at CMG magazine. We are holding an invitational only GPS ride this year but have decided to open it up to any BMA member able to beg borrow or steal a Dual-Sport bike. GPS receivers will be available to rent from Rally Connex.

This ride follows the exact route that Dave and I put together for the 2008 Boogie. We will base operation at the Calabogie Highlands Golf Resort (1 877 224 4653) and tour through some of the best dual track and twisty dirt and paved roads of the region. We ride a full day on Saturday with a lunch stop at the Palmerston Motel & Restaurant in Ompah, and top it off with about a 4 hour ride on Sunday morning.

The ride will not be split into the usual "aggressive" and "stock tire" routes this year. I'd rate it somewhere in-between these two difficulty ratings as used on typical Rally Connex GPS rides. (An aggressive D-S ride is no harder than a novice trail ride)

Cost is just $40. Stay tuned to this space for more details or contact Rally Connex at rallyconnex@gmail.com
Suzuki DR650

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Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:41 pm
Location: Kanata (Ottawa)


Staff member
Great, we have a few interested people. Now I would like to organize a "beer night" as suggested by Ronzo. It's time to meet all of you and get some ideas flowing for what we want to do this year. This should be held before the BMA AGM if possible. This is just a chat in a bar some place central for us to get to know each other a bit.

I need everyone interested to PM or email me with:
- real names
- username on the BMA form
- email address
- home address
- phone number
- year make and model of DS bike

I will post an invitation to the meeting on this forum, after we have found a date and place that works for the majority of those that reply.


New member
Sorry for not paying attention to this forum lately. I have been super busy setting up Kanata Honda Powerhouse and trying to avoid any excessive computer work.
If you liked last years rides they should be better this year. I plan to add some more routes and tie them up nicely with the existing routes from last year.
I don't have a lot of time to clean the way points to perfection, so if there is anyone in the club who rides dual sport and can work with GPS trackmaker, It would really help me out. When i'm not working I will be riding and i wont have much spare time to donate to the club this year. :(

Super Dave

Tim Taylor

New member
I might also be interested. I have a road plated DRZ 250, good on roads up to 80kph (used to own a 800cc vulcan and KTM 200exc). I am a new member here, based out of the west end of ottawa. I have been a member of the ODSC for the past 3 yrs (lived in Guelph until recently), and I would consider myself an intermediate level rider. I have done a number of organized rides, and plan to go back to West Virginia in May with some friends from SW Ontario. I have a baby due in June, so I will have to carefully plan my riding time. I hope to go to the AGM to meet a few of you. I need dirt bike riding buddies in the area.


Staff member
Welcome aboard Tim,
I don't know exactly where this is going yet but for now it will at least a list of contacts for dual sport riders in Eastern Ontario that I will distribute to all the list members in a few weeks. Just PM or email me with your contact info please and your in. If all goes well this will evolve into an active DS community within the BMA that provides a DS option for all members of the club.


New member
I'm a new member also, just joined the club this month. I have much to learn, I'm new to riding motorcycles too. Riding with experienced riders would be very interesting.

I've been involved in car rallying for several years, so I'm familiar with a lot of dirt/gravel roads in eastern Ontario and in the Outaouais regions. I would be interested in paticipating and helping out with rally type events. I'm available to help the club out for other activities as well.

Terry, I sent you a PM with the required information.